Phil Conkling is a film photographer, based out of Westchester, NY. He is currently a medical student at New York Medical College, where he spends most of his time studying the human body, but photography remains a hobby and passion! Phil specializes in medium format film photography, 35 mm film photography, analog printing, digital photography, and digital editing and printing. He focuses on fine art, portrait, architecture, and landscape photography.
During May 12-25, 2014 Phil exhibited his work, entitled "Shedding Light on Science", along with the Advanced Photography class at Hamilton College in the Sadove Student Center. You may see select editions from his exhibit in the Life page.
In the Summer of 2013 he photographed "Religious Expansion": a study of the collapse of local churches and expansion of mega-churches in Natchez, MS. The completed project went on exhibition in the Hamilton College Levitt Center (Clinton, NY) from Nov- Dec 2013.
You may view his blog to see more photos and other news by clicking the Blog icon below. Additionally, you can get to know Phil by going to the Interview page and reading his interview with Pixyt.
Please refer to the Contact page for more information. You may expect a reply within 24 hours. Your interest is greatly appreciated!